Dear all
I would be really grateful if anyone could point me to a copy of (or
would be able to send me a copy of) the decision of Dyson J in
Brostoff V. Clarke Kenneth Leventhal, March 11, 1996 (unreported).
The judgment is from the English High Court, I presume Queens Bench or Chancery.
I have searched unsuccessfully in the usual places, Westlaw, Lexis and
Bailii without any success.
A google search yielded no better results but did throw up emails to a
list serve suggesting that others have had similar issues.
I should say that the decision on appeal to the Court of Appeal is
reported in the PNLR for 1998.
Unfortunately, the point in which I am interested (was there a
partnership) was not considered on appeal, so it is the judgment at
first instance in which I am interested. (If someone familiar with the
decision can say that the consideration of the partnership issue was
not at all detailed, then the judgment will be less relevant.)
The citation above is taken from Lindley and Banks on Partnership (19th ED).
Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Kind regards